Dr. Maria Luisa G.
Dr. Maria Luisa Garcia Perez is well respected anesthesiologist with eleven year of practice
Dr. Maria Luisa Garcia Perez is an anesthesiologist in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. She received her medical degree, with honors, from Anahuac University in Mexico City and has been in practice for 11 years.
- Medical School: Anahuac University
- Neuro-anesthesiology: National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery
- Fellow in Neurocritical Care Unit: University Clinical Hospital´s Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
- Anesthesiology: National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition
- Surgical Residency & Internship: Hospital del Parque, Chihuahua, Mexico

- World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA)
- American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA)
- Confederation of Latino American Societies of Anaesthesiology (CLASA)
- Mexican Federation of Anesthesiology
- Tijuana’s Anesthesiologist College – Member of its Academic Committee
- Tijuana Medical’s College
- National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery
- National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Dr. Maria Luisa Garcia has been published in articles on bariatric and laparoscopic surgery in many surgical journals and magazines including:
- 4/2015: Márquez, W. and García M. “Cardiovascular Effects after the administration of Hyperbaric Ropivacaine vs Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in low abdominal surgery and low limbs´ surgery”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Anesthesiology´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 2/2013: Gonzalez, O. and García M. “Comparative Analysis of the administration of low doses of Fentanyl vs lidocaine vs placebo to reduce the risk of cough during the anesthesia´s induction time”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Anesthesiology´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 2/2013: Hernandez, R. and García M. “Quality Evaluation of the Anesthesiology´s Department, during 2011”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Anesthesiology´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 2/2013: Escobar, E. and García M. “Vaginal delivery after C-section. Experience in General Hospital Tijuana. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Gynecology and Obstetrician´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 2/2013: Zepeda, A. and García M. “In hospital Evolution of the patients diagnosed with acute heart attack, Experience in General Hospital Tijuana”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Emergency´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 2/2013: Espinosa, J. and García M. “Echocardiographic´s findings by FAST ultrasound and post-surgical correlation in close abdominal trauma, experience in General Hospital Tijuana. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Emergency´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 10/2011: De la Peña, I., Cordero E. and García M. “Comparison between general intravenous anesthesia vs conscious sedation in uterus´s drain and curettage”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Anesthesiology´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 1/2011: Martínez, V., Carrillo A. and García M. “Ketoacidosis evolution in Emergency´s Department in General Hospital Tijuana” Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Emergency´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 1/2011: Pérez, R., Carrillo A. and García M. “Spontaneous Brain´s Hemorrhage associated with High Blood Pressure in the Emergency´s Department, Hospital General Tijuana. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Emergency´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 1/2011: Velez, C., Carrillo A. and García M. “Resuscitation Area in the Emergency´s Department. How does it work?”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Emergency´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 1/2011: García, J., Carrillo A. and García M. “Central Vein´s Catheterization, Immediate Complications in Emergency´s Department, Hospital General Tijuana”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Emergency´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 3/2012: Reyes, V., Carrillo, A. and García M. “Associated Factors with morbimortality in The Critical Care Unit´s Patients, whose incoming from Emergency´s Department”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Emergency´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 3/2012: De la Rosa, L., Avila V. and García M. “Which is the prevalence of the pelvic´s organ´s prolapse and its clinical manifestations in the Hospital General Tijuana´s Population?”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Gynecology and Obstetrician´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 3/2012: Orendain, S., García G., and García M. “Overweight and obesity´s effect in Mothers and products in General Hospital Tijuana.” .Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Gynecology and Obstetrician´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 10/2011: Urrea, M. and García M. “Scalpig´s Blockade with Ropivacaine alone vs Ropivacaine plus clonidine, as adjuvant of analgesic management during trans and postoperative period in patients undergoing to supra or infratentorial neurosurgery”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Anesthesiology´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.
- 10/2011: Barron, L., Cordero E. and García M. “Effectiveness of subarachnoid dexmedetomidine, in lower abdominal and lower extremities’ surgery”. Terminal Thesis´ Tutor and Methodological Advice, to get the degree of Anesthesiology´s Specialist, General Hospital Tijuana.